Senin, 19 Januari 2009

First Date Do's and Don'ts

First dates are very nerve racking and often leave us shy, silent and blowing are chances of getting a second one because we weren't prepared for this one. Here are some pointers to help you get the best start and make a good impression.
1. Be on time - The last thing you want to do is make a bad impression on your date. If you are late they will think that you don't care and worse still might not hang around for you to turn up.
2. Make your partner feel comfortable - We all feel like a bag of nerves on our first date with someone; so by making them feel comfortable you will also be able to relax and enjoy yourself.
3. Be an interesting date - The worse thing you can do is turn up for a date with someone then sit there all night and talk or worse still talking and not making sense or having nothing good to talk about.
4. Laugh at their jokes - Even if you have heard the joke 100 times or more (or it just isn't funny at all) laughing a long with them will make them feel you are interested in them.
5. Keep the conversation alive - That dreaded silence when no one knows what to say can seem to last for a life time and will make both of you think the other is boring. Jot down a few questions you would like to ask. Practicing for the date can make all the difference and once you have started the rest will just follow. Here are a few conversation starters you could use.
6. Take an interest in them - Listen to them when they are talking. Be interested in what they have to say and show how interested you are by asking them questions about what they like to do etc..
7. Take them somewhere unique - First dates don't just have to be about going to the cinema or to a restaurant for a nice meal. You will make a longer, lasting impression if you are imaginative with your date.
8. Be confident - Confidence says a lot about a person. Being more confident will help you get through that first date with ease.
9. Be yourself - You won't fool anyone by pretending to be someone you are not. Also if you are wanting to continue seeing them, the real you will come out eventually and they may no longer be interested.
10. Most importantly - STAY SAFE. Check out our guide to dating safely
1. Be late - First impressions count and if you are late this will make them think of you as lazy, having lack of responsibilities, etc..
2. Talk about yourself all night - There is nothing worse then a person that loves to talk about themselves all the time. How vain can you get?
3. Talk about past relationships all night - May be that's how you lost the last one. Nobody wants to hear you drone on about your ex and what they did or didn't do. Concentrate on this one and see if you can get to the second date.
4. Eat with your mouth open - Just the thought of it makes my stomach turn so save your date the horrible experience.
5. Ask too many personal questions - This is your first date and they won't want to reveal to much about themselves just yet. If you like each other and want to continue with the relationship then there will be plenty of time to ask questions.
6. Try to be something you are not - You will only attract the way that you act and if that is not the real you, when the real you does come out the other person will not be interested. Find someone that will want you for you not for what you are pretending to be.
7. Forget to thank them for the date - Not only is this good manners but this is where you will get your chance to end it if you are not interested or for you to ask them out on another date if you would like to see them again.
8. Propose marriage or kids - Unless you don't want to see them again.
9. Pursue sex after your partner has said no
10. Don't get drunk - You don't want to spend half the night in the toilet vomiting and your date won't think much of you. You can also put yourself at risk of unwanted advances and will not be in the right frame of mind or body to do anything about it.

Blind Date Basics Info

Your friend has just set you up with a guy you have never met and know nothing about, except what she has told you. You have those fears. What if I don't like him or what if I like him but he doesn't like me. Well don't worry, we are here to help.
Keep an open mind
Remember this is a blind date. You have never seen this guy before. Don't form a mental image of him or have high expectations. You will only be disappointed if he is not how you imagined. You will know within the first few minutes whether you are attracted to him or not.
Keep it short but sweet
Don't arrange to meet at the cinema, for dinner or any where else hat could keep you together for more than an hour. Arrange to meet up for a coffee or during your lunch break. If you are not interested in the guy then you can make a quick exit if you have only agreed to meet for half an hour or an hour and if you do like him then you can stay where you are or arrange to meet up again.
Way out
It is crucial when on a blind date that you have an escape route. You could get a friend to call you 30 minutes into the date and if you don't like him you can make an excuse and leave and if you do like him then you can tell your friend to call you back later. (Remember to always let someone know where you are.) Or you could tell him that you promised your friend you’d go shopping an hour after you and he planned to meet. If the date is going well, pretend to go call her to let her know that "you’re not up to going shopping." Go shopping if you aren't interested. You could get some friends to turn up at the meeting point and if things aren't going well you can leave with them and if things are going well tell them you will meet up with them later.
Meet ‘n’ greet
One of the biggest mistakes people make when going on a blind date is trying to be someone they aren’t.
When meeting someone for the first time, be yourself. Whether that means going all out or remaining casual, your personality will shine through only if you’re not trying to be something you aren’t. While first impressions are important, do not feel the need to wear heels on a Sunday if you’d normally wear flip-flop sandals. He wants to know who you are; not who you think he wants you to be.
Better safe than sorry
While going on a blind date can be exciting and fun, remember that you have no firsthand knowledge about the person you are meeting. If you have been set up through mutual friends, they will most likely have a rough idea of your plans. But just in case, make sure someone knows exactly where and when you’re meeting.
If the person you are meeting is a complete stranger, however, you need to take even more precautions. Make sure someone knows your whereabouts, knows the name of the person you will be meeting, and how long the date is scheduled for. You may want to have a friend join you, or "run into you" about 15 minutes into the date to check up on you.
Who's paying
Make it clear from the start if you intend to pay for half of everything. You may not want to feel like you owe the guy anything.

Parting after a blind date has the potential to be very awkward, but it doesn’t have to be! Should you kiss him, if you like him? Should you tell him you aren’t interested? It’s always best to do whatever you think feels right. If you are interested in going out with him again, make sure he knows it and tell him that you will call. If you aren’t interested in seeing him again, make sure that you let him know. It’s better to be honest then stringing him along to false hopes.

Getting to know him
Pay close attention to the things he says, which can reveal a lot. Discussing taste in music, film, food, and art can be a great way to find out if you two have common interests—or nothing in common at all!
You should also look for common "warning signs" when on a blind date. If the guy does any of the following, watch out!
• Talks about his ex-girlfriend throughout the date
• Doesn’t offer to pay for the first date (or the second, or third…)
• Speaks badly about his mother or ex-girlfriends
• Treats the waiters, staff rudely or doesn’t tip
Remember not everyone's tastes are the same and there will be things about a guy that you do not like, such as baldness, lack of hygiene etc.. Theses are your own warning signs so don't ignore them.

Date safely

Always be on your guard when out on a date with someone you don't know or barely know. I'm not saying that your date is a serial killer but if you don't know the person well you can't be too trusting. Here are 10 tips on staying safe.
1. Arrange to meet him. Don't let him pick you up from your home.
2. Meet in public places. If possible, double date or go out with a group of people.
3. Go Dutch. Pay half of the bill that way you won't feel under any obligation to return the favor.
4. Remember that alcohol affects your judgment and lessens your inhibitions. If you are drinking, keep your drink in sight at all times and don't get too drunk that you don't know what you are doing.
5. Use your own mode of transportation. And leave with a full tank.
6. Don't assume just because a person claims to be religious that he's safe
7. Don't let him know where you live. If you do want to see him again arrange a second date and then take it from there.
8. Avoid secluded areas such as parks.
9. Listen to your gut. If something doesn't feel right, it probably isn't. And if you haven't met him before and you know at the beginning of the date you aren't interested Leave immediately.
10. Always let someone else know where you're going and who you'll be with. You might even consider arranging a time to call and check in. Or you could arrange to meet up with friends later that night.

Conversation starters

There is nothing worse when meeting someone for the first time then that awkward silence after greeting each other. Kick the silence into orbit with these conversation starters.
How was your day?
You look really nice, where did you get (item in question)?
How was work?
If you are in their home comment on an ornament or a piece of furniture.
Have you seen any movies recently? How did you like it/them?
What kind of music do you listen to?
Ask if they saw a interesting TV program.

What sports do you play or like? How long have you played for?
What did you do this weekend (week)?
Have you been to (a local restaurant)?
What kind of foods do you like?
Where are you from?
Where did you go to school/college?
Have you read any good books lately? Was it interesting?
What do you normally do for fun?
Do you like (an interest of yours)?
These will get the conversation going and you will find out what the other is interested in. Then you'll know if you have anything in common.

Jumat, 16 Januari 2009

Who is my Lifetime partner

An Opinion on Woman on Men Mind

Last week, My friend (a paranormal) said to me, Hey Jacky, Your face describes that you prefer Family-Career-Family-Career and then Woman (my wife). I didn’t know she was serious or not. But I have my own opinion about my wife (candidate in waiting).

I have lost my candidate for one year ago as her mom didn’t agree as her mom prefer her husband must be local place, same tradition and bla bla bla. So we broke. All people have their own preferences for his/her lifetime partner. For me, I prefer:

1. Lifetime partner should have good knowledge in caring our child (children-I love kids) and patient in caring too. I don’t like any violence or high hand on my child. Some friends disagree. They said that woman, when they have child, natural behavior will appear itself. I claimed the opinion because We can see which woman has good talent in caring child or not before she has child. If she doesn’t love kids, what do you think; does she will be good mom someday?
2. Lifetime partner should has sex appeal or sexy. This is important requirement for me as husband. With this factor, I do sure, Harmony will come itself, naturally. Most divorce case or violence in household comes from this factor. If your wife couldn’t give her duty, or you don’t have any stimulation on her-maybe she doesn’t know how to keep her husband with erotic touching, clothing style and sexual appeal, would you like to out to find a bitch or affair to meet his sex desire? Love also comes from sex. I believe that.
3. My life partner should get blessing (approval) from my mom. My lifetime partner must be included with this factor, I prefer moms that her (before marriage). Because of a secret, we don’t know that unapproved lifetime partner is our destiny. In many session, Mom always says, “If you decide to marriage, please build a small home for me as I don’t want stay together with your wife.” In our place, highest recommendation for choosing a wife is she must care moms and my family. All Moms will say that to his sons. They also have their recommendation for their Daughters.

4. Lifetime partner should has good smart, clever and widely knowledge. We know that Mom’s genetic will be turned to Son (big portion), so If you wish clever son (also good behavior), you should seek smart girl, with wide knowledge and smart in behavior.

5. Understand me as I understand Her. or Stand under me and I stand under her.

As a men, We always have ourselves opinion, criterion for our wife and the same case work with women; they also have their own criterion for their husband.

Sex is started from Communication

In many cases, Men have super fast stimulation desire; Men have some mistakes to serve their lovely woman. Men need to know their mistake, because in Bed, Men only think about how to get orgasm and didn’t think how to satisfy their partner. Need to know how to get beautiful sex when you and your lovely woman have the same orgasm level?

* Women have their own secret and each woman have different sex behavior. Men need to know what woman love in bed. Men might think and assume that they know everything. This is wrong opinion. Men use their past sex experience with their woman and if it worked, they think they know everything.

* Each woman is unique, especially in sex behavior and relationship. Some woman fall in love easily and others don’t, some woman have stone heart. Need hard work from men to get them, and some of them (majority) are the combination of both.

* Both women and men have different behavior in sexual, very different. Generally, Men think that if they (Men) get high satisfaction, they think that their partners also are in there, have the same satisfaction with them. Women take longer time to horny if we compare with men. In intercourse time, both of them get different sensation. So do not think that you and your partner have the same satisfaction in certain level.

* It is hard to understand woman. Penis has the same stimulation and sensitivity, but vagina doesn’t. Vagina has different sensation and stimulation at outside appear or inside vagina. Deeper penetration even with larger penis will cause negative impact, can make woman feel like eel loathing or sickening on their stomach.

* According to this, Men have to understand about Woman Vagina Anatomy; which organ; sexual organ which make highest desire. For example, if we make oral sexual, all part of penis have the same desire. This case is happened to vagina. Clitoris is the main part of Vagina that gives highest sensation and horn to woman if we touch well. Like Clitoris, women also have another part of their bodies which result high desire, so men must learn those point. Communicate to your partner and ask her, where are her sensitive bodies, if you are shy, you might to explore yourself when warming up to all of her body and read her desire if you touch any part of her body.

* Most Men think as King in bed. We even didn’t care if woman has bed feeling or has no sexual desire. Men also think about their orgasm. My girl finally understands me. She knows that I am sex maniac. I can book 5 times orgasm in one day. I don’t care if she has bad feel or not, all I need is her vagina. She understands my sexual behavior. We have made good communication. If she need to sex with me and I have no sexual pushing desire, I also did like her, to serve my penis to her vagina or to make oral sexual. Do not think that your partner is robot.

Any doctors or therapist then said, if you would like to build harmony, please do the right communication, and invite him/her to talk for better live. Sex is communication process. If communication goes well, any problems will be solved.

Blind Date Couldn’t Be That Bad

Living in a daily routine situation and meet almost same people everyday could make you feel bored and frustrated when you in the time of finding your love. You need someone new, a really brand new man comes into you. But how could that be if you don’t open your mind and try a new way in your life.

Going on a Blind Date? Sounds familiar but never do it. I think blind date couldn’t be that bad if you know how to do it properly. At least, you go into different situation but careful enough with what you do and won’t get misadventures.
If you go on a blind date and didn’t match with the one you going with, he could be your friend, right?! To avoid bad experiences you must careful enough before, while and after going on a blind date.
Yes, blind date could be fun and enjoyable. Its only needs your attention in some little things, like these:

* Tell someone else about your date, such as who your partner is, when and where you’re going to
* Arrange to meet in public place
* You better come and go on yourself. I mean, don’t take him to ride you home. It’s your first time going with him so don’t make yourself in trouble. If he ask to ride you home, better you letting down easy.
* First date better spend on a casual one, like a lunch, dinner or coffee time. Just do a simple date! You better spend most of times with him by talking, anything that could get you knows about him.
* If you are having doubt about his credibility, it’s not that bad if you go as a group. Maybe you could ask a friend or two to accompany you this time.
* Follow your gut! If your heart feel insecure going with him, it’s good to get out of the situation as soon as you can. Tell him like you must be on a meeting or something that push you to go early. Always be polite in time with him to avoid misunderstanding between you and your partner.

Have a Fun Blind Date!

written by Balichic

Selasa, 13 Januari 2009

Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus!

by: Terry Leslie

There's no doubt about it. Men and women are wired differently. Men know this, yet they continue to use the same, ineffective tactics to try to get women. What's even more stunning is that they are surprised when those tactics don't work. So, just what are those differences and how do they effect the way that men and women communicate?

The answers may surprise you.

American ethicist, psychologist and feminist, Carol Gilligan, details some of the more striking differences between the sexes in her book "In a Different Voice." In one section she discusses how males and females approach a problem and make decisions. Generally, males make their decisions based on the ethics of justice while females use the ethics of care. This goes back to the beliefs that men are more logical and women are more emotional, but takes it a step further.

This is very important when communicating with a woman. While men are more results oriented and prefer a more straightforward approach with the easiest route to the end, women operate in a different manner. Women tend to communicate in a manner that is conducive and focused on building and salvaging relationships.

Now, when you are trying to determine just how this information will help you communicate better with women, consider this: If you talk to a woman in her language, on her level, don't you think that you will get better results than you would if you just forged ahead doing your own thing? Of course you would!

Women are also more inclined to talk things out than a man would. Women want to resolve conflicts, or perceived conflicts, by discussing various aspects of the situation. They want to rehash the topic over and over until it has been worked over and wrung dry of useful information. Men, on the other hand, tend to clam up, preferring to refrain from discussing the issue, or "saying their piece" and then moving on. This can cause problems between men and women because the man shuts down and the woman feels neglected.

The smart man will take the time to listen to the woman in his life. He should not only listen, but respond to what she says. Ask questions, insert comments and create some open dialogue. This will not only fulfill the woman's need to communicate, but it will also get issues out in the open and on the table so that they can be dealt with and faced. This could work to your advantage, particularly if you are in a relationship that you value.

Men and women are different, for sure. But if you are watchful and pay attention to the clues that the women around you are dropping, you can learn how to communicate effectively with them. Just try to mimic them, discretely of course, but emulate their body posture, look them in the eye and pay attention to little cues that she will give. Ask questions, talk with her and show that you care. When you meet her on her level with her communication style, you will have her attention - and possibly even her devotion.

Extracts of Love and Relationships

by: Sinta Makah

In today's world, it seems that almost any topic is open for debate. While I was gathering facts for this article, I was quite surprised to find some of the issues I thought were settled are actually still being openly discussed.

You may not consider everything you just read to be crucial information about Love and Relationships. But don't be surprised if you find yourself recalling and using this very information in the next few days.

Several persons begin relationships out of desire, which is the opposite of aspiration. Once the relationship progresses and one tires of the other, they often drift worlds apart. These types of relationships are often harmful; since selfish motivation sparks, the relationship and thus the result only bring down the outlook of love and relationship. When a person has desire in mind while starting a relationship, it is almost guaranteed there will be other relationships outside of the relationship, and the other person will hurt since they are in love alone.

A trail of broken hearts follows behind these types of relationships. Thus, knowing who you are is the start that determines if you will find true love and relationship. If you are in contact with your emotions, personality, beliefs, standards, and so forth, thus you can touch the fine lines of love and relationship while remaining in love and in the relationship. Thus, lust, love and relationship have a separation that needs defined to make love last.

Desires are a mindful response to emotions triggered by appealing appetizers, and backed with impulses. Lust throughout the years has proven harmful, especially if the action acted out on lust has gain in mind, which focuses on sexual pleasures.

Nowadays, few people remain steadfast in love and relationships, while considering love in the context delivered from originality. Religion, politics, unfaithfulness, lust, and other influences often join man and woman together, yet still relationships fail.

Love behind the years has confirmed that respect, consideration and other elements of love are non-existing, and thus relationships often fail. When two people join in relationships and love they must adhere to the advice provided to them by the Law of God and not man. When couples step on boundaries and disregard true advice they often find them self-heading down the path to divorce and/or separation, thus, finding true love takes skill, patients, long-suffering, and other human mechanisms to make love last.

A good relationship is based on trust, love, and faith, self-control and sharing. When one partner is giving more than the other partner this is not love. When one partner trusts that his or her partner is faithful and the partner is out spreading it around like the plague then someone is going to get hurt.

Thus, in the present day of love and relationships, hurt often consumes relationships, thus divorce and/or separation result. Some relationships can withstand the weathers with one partner working, but all relationships take two to make it last. Thus, some men have a history of proving unfaithful, dishonest, deceitful, et cetera. At one time women were never heard of committing such acts as adultery, murder, or abusing the mate. Thus, nowadays women fed up with the ways many men have demonstrated throughout history, including engaging in adulterous affairs, and inappropriate materials, thus nowadays women are making a statement by acting out the same.

Women at one time worked at home raising the children and taking care of the household. Often the man would work, bringing home the bread and rarely did you hear reports of divorce or separation. Still they existed, but at present divorces and separation is an ongoing issue in society.

Nowadays, it is next to impossible to find pure love. Good men often find women that treat them ill, while bad men are mistreating women badly that their views of men diminish over time. Good women often find men that cheat, lie, or take them for granted, thus finding a good relationship nowadays is next to impossible.

Likewise, women at present are taking a stand, thus showing that low tolerance is in the making. The one surefire element that composes true love is long-suffering, thus men and women alike nowadays lack the ability to illustrate this ingredient that makes up love.

Different relationships in the world boil down to good or bad relationships. When two people join in intimate relations, both parties must work hard to make the relationship work. A bad relationship will utilize tools believing that the mechanisms will keep the spice in his or her life when they feel tired out of the mate. In other words, a bad relationship focuses on sexual gratification, which never occurs, since he or she tires out quickly. The person may engage in pornographic reading or viewing, promiscuous relationships, violence, and so forth to gratify the desire.

Take time to consider the points presented above. What you learn may help you overcome your hesitation to take action.

Can You Really Fall In Love Online?

Some say; absolutely! Other’s say; absolutely not. My personal opinion? I believe you really can fall in love online, but it is rare. First, we need to examine what it takes to build the foundation for love:

There must be mutual, physical attraction.
If one person worships the physical appearance of the other but the feeling is not
reciprocated? Eventually there will be a problem.

There has to be a certain amount of common interests.
If you love outdoor activities; camping, fishing, hiking, boating, etc. But your “love interest’s” outdoor activity is limited to taking the garbage out...? There’s going to be conflict.

Both must share common beliefs on everyday issues.
You read the paper, watch the news, keep up with current world affairs and you are extremely passionate about it.

Your potential mate couldn’t possibly care less. They are only tapped into the celebrity scene and reality shows.

You are looking forward to a televised debate on governmental issues.
Your mate? Can’t wait to see who gets voted out or who gets the last rose!

If you think this will work? You’re lying to yourself.

Both must have similar outlooks on relationships.
You know you would be committed to the love of your life, no matter how far apart you are. However, your other half believes: If you can’t be with the one you love? Love the one you’re with!

Let me be the first to tell you: It won’t work!

There has to be similar family values.
One of you came from a large family and wants only 1 child, if any.
You are an only child and plan to have a minimum of five children.

You’re setting your relationship up for a fall. These are just a few issues that need to be addressed before the relationship takes a serious turn.

Please don’t put on blinders. Find the person that shares your beliefs...they are out there. Hurry up and find them!
by: Vivian Johnson
SolveDating Free Online Dating Service - a free online dating service dedicated to solving dating. Also includes dating advice and analysis of online dating services.

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