Jumat, 16 Januari 2009

Sex is started from Communication

In many cases, Men have super fast stimulation desire; Men have some mistakes to serve their lovely woman. Men need to know their mistake, because in Bed, Men only think about how to get orgasm and didn’t think how to satisfy their partner. Need to know how to get beautiful sex when you and your lovely woman have the same orgasm level?

* Women have their own secret and each woman have different sex behavior. Men need to know what woman love in bed. Men might think and assume that they know everything. This is wrong opinion. Men use their past sex experience with their woman and if it worked, they think they know everything.

* Each woman is unique, especially in sex behavior and relationship. Some woman fall in love easily and others don’t, some woman have stone heart. Need hard work from men to get them, and some of them (majority) are the combination of both.

* Both women and men have different behavior in sexual, very different. Generally, Men think that if they (Men) get high satisfaction, they think that their partners also are in there, have the same satisfaction with them. Women take longer time to horny if we compare with men. In intercourse time, both of them get different sensation. So do not think that you and your partner have the same satisfaction in certain level.

* It is hard to understand woman. Penis has the same stimulation and sensitivity, but vagina doesn’t. Vagina has different sensation and stimulation at outside appear or inside vagina. Deeper penetration even with larger penis will cause negative impact, can make woman feel like eel loathing or sickening on their stomach.

* According to this, Men have to understand about Woman Vagina Anatomy; which organ; sexual organ which make highest desire. For example, if we make oral sexual, all part of penis have the same desire. This case is happened to vagina. Clitoris is the main part of Vagina that gives highest sensation and horn to woman if we touch well. Like Clitoris, women also have another part of their bodies which result high desire, so men must learn those point. Communicate to your partner and ask her, where are her sensitive bodies, if you are shy, you might to explore yourself when warming up to all of her body and read her desire if you touch any part of her body.

* Most Men think as King in bed. We even didn’t care if woman has bed feeling or has no sexual desire. Men also think about their orgasm. My girl finally understands me. She knows that I am sex maniac. I can book 5 times orgasm in one day. I don’t care if she has bad feel or not, all I need is her vagina. She understands my sexual behavior. We have made good communication. If she need to sex with me and I have no sexual pushing desire, I also did like her, to serve my penis to her vagina or to make oral sexual. Do not think that your partner is robot.

Any doctors or therapist then said, if you would like to build harmony, please do the right communication, and invite him/her to talk for better live. Sex is communication process. If communication goes well, any problems will be solved.

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